بستان الأستاذ الدكتور نبيل العربي

How to remove duplicates from Outlook 2016 Contacts


How to remove duplicates from Outlook 2016 Contacts

1- Go to My Contacts

2- Assume that your folder is “Contacts”

3- export all contacts to external .pst file (Backup, just in case)

4- create 2 temp contact folders “temp1” & “temp2”

5- move all contacts from “Contacts” to “temp1”

6- move all contacts from “temp1” to “temp2”

7- move all contacts from “temp1” to original folder “Contacts”

8- when asked review/ update/ update all contacts

9- delete the temp contact folders “temp1” & “temp2”

10- قل الحمد لله على نعمة التوفيق

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